8R31R&S 7-1 The Major Re-entry |
Plate Position - Bottom Row |
ERU: August 31, 1894 (GV) Earlier dates 'may' be found. |
LRU: Nov. 15, 1897 |
Multiples: Bottom left in a "block" of 3 |
Notes: The Major Re-entry is the only significant CPV found on the 8¢. |
8R1R&S 7-1 The Major Re-entry |
Plate Position - Bottom Row |
ERU: August 31, 1894 (GV) Earlier dates 'may' be found. |
LRU: Nov. 15, 1897 |
Multiples: Bottom left in a "block" of 3 |
Notes: The Major Re-entry is the only significant CPV found on the 8¢. |