Small Queen Constant Plate Varieties

My friend, Ralph Trimble, is the author of what is likely the most up to date discussion of all the recent discoveries on this variety. Currently we believe that there are no less than 7 different 5 on 6 varieties.

Visit Ralph's 5 on 6 pages


R&S 6-1 Scott # 43c

The "5 on 6" or "The most remarkable variety in Canadian Philately" - W. Boggs

Plate Position - Plate B, Position 25



Multiples: Several, including a block of 12 which Hurst used to determine the B-25 plate position in 1969.

Notes: W. Boggs reported the first latent re-entry on the Six Cent. Later the extra lines were determined to have come from the Five Cent design. The most accepted theory is that a multiple value transfer roller was used in plate repair. Both the Five Cent and the Six Cent images were on the roller and over rocking caused part of the Five Cent design to be placed on a Six Cent image, and thus the term "5 on 6".


R&S 6-1 Scott # 43c
The "5 on 6" or "The most remarkable variety in Canadian Philately" - W. Boggs

Plate Position - Plate B, Position 25



Multiples: Several, including a block of 12 which Hurst used to determine the B-25 plate position in 1969.

Notes: W. Boggs reported the first latent re-entry on the Six Cent. Later the extra lines were determined to have come from the Five Cent design. The most accepted theory is that a multiple value transfer roller was used in plate repair. Both the Five Cent and the Six Cent images were on the roller and over rocking caused part of the Five Cent design to be placed on a Six Cent image, and thus the term "5 on 6".